Simplest Way to WELL: Nourishment

Thejus Chakravarthy
2 min readApr 1, 2021

So, I’ve covered Air and Water. Now onto Snacks…I mean, Nourishment!

Let’s start with the assumption this is not, I repeat NOT, a commercial dining space. Why? Because if you’re handling food, your requirements are going to be a lot harder than if you’re just providing snacks.

If you’re going to provide snacks, you need to offer at least two fruits and two vegetables. And no, french fries are not a vegetable. Nor is ketchup. Think “produce section of the supermarket”.

Photo by Jo Sonn on Unsplash

Next, put those four things somewhere visible. My suggestion would be in front of the other options. Make it harder to grab the Funyuns and easier to grab a banana.

Oh, and if you’re gonna offer Funyuns or any other packaged snacks, make sure the nutrition label is visible. Sometimes, when you buy snacks in bulk, the label is on the box but not the individual servings. That doesn’t mean you can’t use them. You just have to make sure to cut out that label and put it somewhere it can be seen.

Make sure that any snacks or drinks you offer have less that 25g of sugar per serving. Yes, that excludes candy and many breakfast cereals. No, that isn’t a horrible thing even if it makes me personally very unhappy.

Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

Finally, make sure that anyone handling the snacks has basic training on allergies. Heck, offer the training to anyone who wants to take it. Especially if the training includes how to handle anaphylaxis, and what kinds of things can cause allergic reactions. Just having an Epi-pen in the first aid kit by the front desk doesn’t cut it.

Did you know that some people are violently allergic to pumpkin? I definitely had no idea. How’d I find out? Allergy training.

So make sure that any snacks that might contain allergens are clearly marked that way.

Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

And that’s it. No, seriously, that’s it for this Feature.

Go on with your day.

Nothing to see here.

Go on now, git!



Thejus Chakravarthy

if i’m not optimizing some operations puzzle or the other, i’m probably reading (or writing, apparently)